Hey there, Badass!
Yes, I’m talking to you. Whether or not you believe it now, you are a badass.
I know this because you’re here. You wouldn’t be here without thinking about changing your life. You may even be thinking that change isn’t possible. But here you are, already taking steps to do some work.
I want you to know that your life does not have to stay this way. You deserve to rest and the freedom to do things that light you up, bring you joy and fulfill your passions.
Your life may not look how you imagined it, but you can change it. Easier said than done, I know. You have encountered many barriers, and you’re tired of continuing to push through them. I will help you uncover the potential you fear is not within you.
Your desires are in your heart for a reason.
Your fears make it difficult to see the possibility of what your life can become. Fear of failure and letting people and yourself down keep you stuck. Together, we will unpack your worries so you can continue moving forward.
Sure, your life isn’t horrible, but is it turning out how you wanted? You’ve been holding back a part of yourself, and it keeps you from rising to your potential.
I get it because I’ve been there, too. I used to fear failure because I didn’t want to disappoint my parents. I used not to take risks because that meant the potential for failure. I was able to work through my blocks, and I’m here to help you do the same!
It will take work, and you’ll need to leave your comfort zone. You can do this. It’s not too late to change the course of your life, and you don’t have to do it alone.
Kayla, your badass therapist