Adulting is kicking your ass!
“What the F*ck! How did I get here? Is there something wrong with me?” Your plans aren’t going quite how you thought they would. You thought you’d be further along, but things kept falling through your grasp.
Life feels like it’s just dumping on you. You have the job you’ve always wanted, but everything else seems so far off. The loneliness is pulling you further into isolation. You’re constantly questioning how other people find time for their friendships and the ones they love when all you can manage to juggle is the never-ending pile of work.
Everything used to seem so easy. Things have never felt so hard. Even asking for help or support feels like an invitation to embarrassment. The phrase “I should be able to figure this out on my own” constantly spins in your head.
You already imagine the worst.
It’s hard to pinpoint when it all started to turn. For someone who plans everything, this scares the shit out of you.
You see your future clearly if you keep going in this direction. You’re alone, unhappy, and embarrassed for letting your life get this bad.
The person you see is so not you! The person you used to be, the one who loved life and enjoyed everything around her, is gone, and you want to get her back so badly.
Finding balance is achievable.
I get that you don’t want to mess up your life even more than you feel you have. Yes, adulting is damn hard, but the good news is you don’t have to figure it all out alone.
You know this will work. You’ve seen how therapy helped others change. But you have some fear that makes you wonder, “What if therapy doesn’t work for me?” Therapy will work because you’re motivated, ready to dig deep, and ready to create targeted moves to get you back on track.
Stop overthinking and do the damn thing! Get off the struggle bus, stop second-guessing yourself, and start living your desired life. Take action and call me today.